PDF is a common format for text or text and graphics widely used on computers and mobile devices. At one time or another, you may need to transfer PDF files between two devices, especially from PC to iPhone or iPad, to make it easy to access the files.
Then how can you put PDF on iPhone? Read on and you will know the answers. However, it will also remove the existing books on your iOS device after the data syncing. Once you are logged in, click on the iCloud icon to get access into your iCloud Drive space See image below. Once you are in iCloud Drive, click on the Cloud shaped upload icon.
This will allow you to choose the PDF File located anywhere on your computer. Tap on the PDF file to open it on your iPhone. Step 2 In iTunes, click over the Books icon on the top and go to File on the upper-left corner. And then select Add File to Library. Step 3 A window will pop up which allows you to browse through to the location where you saved your file.
Select the file and click Open. Then you will see now the file is added to iTunes Library. Step 4 Now click on your iPad icon, so you will see the information of your iPad and all contents listed on the left-hand side. Select Books under Settings. And check the box beside Sync Books. If you want to have iTunes sync items automatically, see Sync iTunes content with your devices. In the list on the left, select the app on your device that you want to transfer a file to or from.
If you need help using iTunes or any of its features, contact Apple Support. Learn more Find more information about iTunes for Windows in the iTunes user guide.
Learn how to use Restrictions to block or limit access to explicit content in the iTunes Store. If you download iTunes from the Microsoft Store, iTunes will automatically update when a new version is available.
Learn more about updating iTunes. Published Date: November 08,