And, if you eat once a day, you should fast every month for two or three days. By doing that, there will be no poison left in the body at the end of a year to make you sick even one hour. I WOULD LIKE for you, who try to live and eat just as this book teaches you, to please send me a letter telling me of the results that you have gained from eating like this article teaches you. I repeatedly teach that the way Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, has Taught us to eat will do away with many doctor bills and do away with much maiming of the limbs caused by certain diseases.
Sugar diabetes can be controlled and cured if you only eat right. Stay off of sugar and starchy foods and leave those old, white potatoes alone. Do not eat spaghetti and macaroni at every meal.
If you are overweight, do not eat it at any meal, and if you want to live a long time, do not eat it at any meal. Food such as spaghetti and macaroni is processed, not cooked thoroughly, and is hard to digest.
This is due to wrong mental food that they are eating, which has an effect on their digestive system. To get good results from eating the proper foods, we must have good thoughts. Chapter 3 Lengthen your Life. In order to lengthen our lives, we must begin with what we put in us that retains life. Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, comes to prolong the lives of the believers. He Allah said what we eat keeps us here, and the same will take us away.
Suppose we ate one-half pound of food a day. For instance, if we live 50 years, we would eat 50 times this much food, at a half pound of food a day. If we saw 9, pounds of raw food piled up before us to consume, we would think that this would be a lot of food to go through our bodies. And we would think that it probably would wear us out to eat that much food in our life time, although we eat tons of food in our life time.
On the average, our people are living around 62 years. This is a very short life to live on an earth that has been here trillions of years. And yet, the average of us cannot live years under the present system of civilization of wickedness. Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, comes to prolong our lives, not to shorten them, by correcting our eating habits to one meal a day instead of three, and by teaching us to eat the proper foods that will not destroy us or shorten our lives to less than years.
His Allah's teaching us to eat better food and to cut our eating from three and four times a day to once a day will certainly prolong our lives and increase our beautiful appearance. Eating three times a day and all between meals removes the body's attractiveness In many ways. We eat meat, but yet meat is not good for us.
It becomes a habitual tool. This type of food poisons the blood and goes into the flesh and cannot help but transform and destroy the surface of the flesh. Many times its beauty lasts for just a short while and then passes away with its growth. Even in our late twenties and early thirties, because of the life that we live and the frequent eating of poison food, our beautiful appearance begins to pass from us so rapidly, until by our forties and fifties it is nearly completely gone.
Let us eat one meal a day and try getting the best food that we can to eat, vegetables, fruits, pure fresh milk, and pure whole wheat bread, that has been cooked slowly, twice. Doing this will help us live longer and retain our beautiful appearance much longer.
Regardless of whether the grease is from animal flesh or not, our bodies, by nature, are not made to digest and control grease or lots of fat. Thousands of minor ailments disappear from us by eating the proper food and at the proper time, one meal a day. He Allah teaches us never to eat unless we are hungry. Eating when we are not hungry causes these minor ailments.
We are forcing the body to digest food before it is calling for this food. The present civilization is an enemy to righteousness. Since they were put over us to rule us they had to find a different way of ruling us other that the good old way of our fathers, who lived several hundreds of years, some nearly a thousand years.
IF WE MET a man today who said he had been on the planet years, we would think that he was lying because our short lives of less than years, lead us to believe that it is false to think that people can live several hundred years. It is all in the food and drink that we put into our bodies that lengthens or shortens our lives.
Stay away from poison food and drinks, and eat to live. Chapter 4 Live Long What fool is there who does not want to live? Do not even ask a wise person; consult a fool. Even a fool wants to live as long as he can. Well, eat right, one meal a day, and be careful what you eat. The wicked are practicing their wicked way of poisoning the righteous in their preparation for food and drink so be careful what you eat to live.
The Christian race has shortened the lives of nations which follow its way of civilization. The so-called American Negroes, the lost and found members of the nation the Black nation the first and the last, have been used for experimental purposes. They have suffered every evil thing or idea that entered the heart of the slave master and his children. This is going on today, as never before in a wise and scientific way. Before the white man was made, the Black man was known to live approximately a thousand years.
He ate the right food and ate it at the right time. Our stomachs are what we make them. If they call for food every two or three hours, we make a habit of feeding them every two or three hours. If we don't make a habit of feeding our stomachs every two or three hours, they will not call for it. We are the God of our own appetite and what we eat. Remember the prophecy of Jesus, he came to give us life and more life abundantly. He cannot give us more life if we will not protect our life against its enemies.
DO NOT try to eat so many different things. One or two good things are all right, even just milk and bread, but it has been tampered with. It is hard to get a pure glass of milk. It is hard to get a pure piece of whole wheat bread. T hey tamper with everything, without any just cause.
So, do the best you can and eat one meal a day. You will live longer. Eat one meal once every twenty four 24 hours and eat the right food. Get away from eating a lot of greasy foods and eat more vegetables and fruits. Do not eat freshly baked bread or freshly baked cakes. The importance of enjoying good health is obeying the teachings of God Who Came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises is due forever , and that is eating one meal once every 24 hours one meal a day.
Of course, we know the divinely prohibited flesh of the swine is totally forbidden not only to eat, but we are even forbidden to touch or handle the swine.
It is punishable under the law of God to eat the swine. Many of the readers may think that it is all right with God for them to do as they please about His Laws, but we are punished for willfully disobeying the Laws of God, regardless how little the offense may be or how great it may be. The Christians have been eating the swine for four thousand years. Now, their punishment is total destruction by fire. They were made to oppose it, therefore following after them and doing what they do is getting you the hell.
It is no excuse for you. The average so called Negro thinks it is all right for him to do evil too. But, we are two different people. The so-called American Negro is a divine member lost from the divine circle, while the slave mater who has been his teacher, is an enemy to God, by nature.
This is why the Bible teaches you that hell was created for them the day they were made. Meat will not prolong our lives, it will cut life short.
The white race lives on this type of food, meat, animal flesh. The carnivorous beasts and birds who live off of flesh and eat others, have short lives. But my Dear Brothers and Sisters do not think that you are getting pure products now from the dairy. Substitutions are added to butter, and much water is added to the milk. So, do not practice the evil things that the white race is doing, as you are following them now.
If they pull off their clothes, you will pull off yours. Do not think you have an option of doing divine law, while you do not.
A doom is set for the whole race of them and you will share their doom with them, if you follow eating and drinking intoxicating drinks just because you see them doing such things and going nude in the public women with dresses above their knees and men wearing just trunks in public. White people do this to tempt you to do the same, so that you can share hell fire with them.
Chapter 6 Proper Foods, Spiritually and Physically. Eat to live and not to die. The Bible teaches us that God, in the end of the world when He comes, will prolong the people's lives because they have been eating the proper foods, both spiritually and physically. We have to accept it--that is, if we love life and not death. People in this world admire one who lives to see 90 years which is a very short life. They are surprised to see a person live over 70 years.
Now they want drugs to give you life. Drugs cannot prolong our lives if we are going to eat and drink the wrong food and drink and drink polluted water. The very water we drink is polluted from filth. We make the water filthy with our own refuse and then turn around calling ourselves cleaning the water to make it fit to drink.
It is not because the government is too poor that we have to eat the poor and poison foods. They deliberately cause this drink and food to be impure. Just read what they say about the impure water that we drink out of Lake Michigan and other rivers. The government permits the deliberate making of alcoholic drinks which it knows are not good for a person who has no limitation on how much of it he drinks.
And it deliberately turns out millions and millions of dollars worth of hogs to put on the market, knowing that the hog is poison and was not made for human consumption. They do that to oppose the right foods-the pure foods--that God has given them in abundance.
The government condemns smoking, but still permits tobacco to be sold to the public. All of this is due to commercializing on that which produces a short life. Part of the population of the country is being addicted to drugs for the purpose of experimenting with drugs, instead of lengthening the life by what we eat and drink. If we know the best food and the best drink, we should try to get them for ourselves and not charge the government with our own foolish acts, just because the government will not stop the sale of such detrimental food and drink.
The foolish buyer is the one to be charged. We have fire, but if we do not use it rightly, it is because of our own foolishness. If you know better, then do better for self. Chapter 7 Abundancy of Life. There are a lot of readers of this book who have many different thoughts and conceptions of this book.
It takes several hours for the proteins and the vitamins in the meal we eat today to be digested and distributed throughout our bodies.
Allah, through the mouths of the Prophets prophesied that when He Comes, He would give us more life--an abundancy of life. The Book does not teach you how He will extend our lives; how He will make our lives worth living; and how we will rejoice in our lives. How to live is to go after that which is essential for us to put in our body as foods which gives life and maintain life in the body.
He Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are Due forever , Has taught me how to teach you the best way to extend our lives and that is through the right kind of foods and drinks. This does not mean we have to eat every herb of the earth; every cattle of the earth, every bird that flies, every domestic fowl, or every piece of fruit that a fruit tree or vine is bearing as some people think like that.
Just a simple food will keep you and me living a long time, if that simple food is good and we eat it only once a day once every 24 hours. SOME WEAK people think that they cannot eat once every 24 hours, but our stomach looks to our brain for guidance and looks to our brain to be the "boss" of what it should take in. The stomach does not think for itself. The brain thinks for the stomach. Allah has given to us and has taught that way of life that is good for us. We can accept it or we can reject it.
There are some people who claim that they like the way but they will go ahead and eat that which is not good for them to eat. Then, they get in trouble and they write me and say that they eat once a day but they are sick: they cannot take it. But, do I not know that they are not eating rightly as I teach them that God taught me and that they are not going through 24 hours, eating only one meal? Do they not know that I know they are not carrying out the instructions as they should.
If you get sick, go and fast for three days. This helps kill the poison in your stomach that came from what you ate. Once every year, we have accumulated enough poison from eating one meal a day to make us sick one day. The brain is the boss. Eat one meal a day and eat good food and do not eat Divinely prohibited food. This is the Word of Allah and His Teachings to prolong our lives. Chapter 8 Experience the Venturing from right food. The very words, "how to eat to live," is one of the great values in words for us.
In these words, we see and we are learning that what we put in us as food, at what time we eat that food, and what type of food we eat, is the key to our life and death. We can use these words, "how to eat to live," to spell how we destroy ourselves.
We must look at these words and teachings of how to eat to live in a more serious way. This is why we suffer so much sickness and death. It is because we do not take how to eat to live in a more serious way. There is no common sickness that cannot be healed by proper eating of the right foods.
I, myself, know, having experience of both the right kind of foods and the wrong kind of foods. Allah God has Taught me and I tried everything first, myself. I am a self experienced man and an example of what Allah God Taught me.
I went for years without eating but one meal a day, and years with eating one meal every three days. So, I know these teachings of Allah God are True. Here of late, I have suffered many pains from venturing away from eating the way Allah God Taught me. It caused me discomfort, pains, and minor sickness. I deliberately did this, in some instances, so that I will know what happens when you are not following the Teachings.
So, as it is written, in all their afflictions, he was afflicted meaning the Messenger of God. Eating the proper food once a day will keep you free of sickness for a long time, probably for years.
This, I know by self experience. By eating two or three meals a day, you are inviting some days of discomfort and illness to yourself, and by eating food that does not belong to the body that it is going into, you are making trouble for the body to digest such foods and drinks. We suffer with many ailments in our bodies due to the fact that we are pouring into it food that should not be put in that body which is the finest nature built machinery on Earth , and due to the fact that we are not waiting until the strength or power of the poison in the previous meal becomes weak, so that it will be harmless when the strength of a new meal it added.
But, twenty-four 24 to forty-eight 48 hours will destroy the poison from the previous meal and make it harmless. Eat when you have exhausted the previous meal, Allah GOD Taught me; then fill up and go until this is exhausted, and then eat another meal. It is logical. As I keep repeating, we dig our own graves, and I may add here that we bring about our own death with our teeth. Sugar diabetes can be controlled by eating the proper food in such a way that you will never know that you ever had it and you will never see any sign of it.
But, you must not continue to pour in the body power and strength of sugar from your meals that add to the sugar spilling over in your body. Naturally, it is going to reach out for something or it is going to flood itself after putting too much sugar and starch in the body. But, some of us are so built upon eating what we want that we just cannot abstain from eating these starches and sweet foods.
These things are nothing but friends to the sugar diabetic condition. Stay away from it and you will live longer, for diabetes is an evil enemy. It is an enemy to both the flesh and bones of the body. If you will stop eating foods such as sugar and starchy foods, I know you will do better.
I have been self experienced in everything, and I have been a victim of everything that you are a victim of, except cancer. I do not think that I have cancer; but as I mentioned in this book before, The Last Messenger is not immune to the sickness and complaints of the common people.
So, this is the way Allah God has taught me; to heal our sickness and prolong our lives with one meal a day. And, whenever those of you who work in offices and do light work are able, you can eat one meal every forty-eight 48 hours; which would give you more days to your life. Do not say, "I am already so old that I do not have much longer to live anyway. That is true, but if you want to add a few more days to this already distant age you have, you can add to your life by stopping right now from plunging into the grave, and you could add more days to your life.
Chapter 9 The Benefits of Eating once a Day Many of my followers write and tell me of the benefit they are receiving from eating one meal a day or one meal every other day. This will produce good results and lengthen our lives. But children should not be forced to fast or to eat once a day or once every other day.
Children and babies should eat at least twice a day. If you are now eating three meals a day and you would like to eat one meal every other day, you should not - all of a sudden - change from three meals a day, every day, to one meal every other day.
It is better to do it this way so that you will not make yourself sick. And if you eat every other day, do not begin your meal with heavy food. Or, one meal every two days, or three days.
Do not get frightened, Brothers and Sisters, with your meal hours being lengthened, that you may die or become too hungry. YOU WILL live and you will not be hungry, after you have gotten your stomach used to the long intervals between meals.
Your stomach will take food only when you give it food. I began practicing eating one meal every day - nothing between like food. I got used to that within a couple of weeks. And, after a certain length of time, I tried eating once every two days, with nothing between but coffee. I did not try to pour all of the cream and sugar out of the cream and sugar bowls into the coffee.
I sweetened and creamed it the same as I did when I was eating three meals a day, because we can live on cream and sugar for a long time. I felt better eating one meal every two days, or 48 hours, with nothing between. I also tried eating one meal every 72 hours, due to the fact that He had told me that if I ate one meal every three days, I would never be sick, and I thought I would try it, before teaching it.
So, I did for a few months and I felt better than I felt when I was eating one meal every 48 hours. And, I can bear witness that I did not have the symptoms of illness at any time. My whole body felt light and my head was clear. I could almost hear insects crawling smile. IT IS NOT so much what you eat when you begin eating one meal everyday, or every two or three days, it is just that you do not eat foods that are against your health.
I have described in this article, time and again that which He pointed out to me. But most people like us to eat the inexpensive food, because we do not have the finance to buy expensive foods that rich millionaires eat. So, He prescribed for us, dry navy beans, bread and milk. The bread should be cooked thoroughly done, or either toasted, in order to cook it through. It should be made and risen by yeast. And, He Did Prescribe cooking this bread two or three times, if we would take time and do so.
He said it was better for us. No corn bread at all! He Said that it was too hard for our stomachs to digest. Corn was not made for us to turn it into meal to eat. It was made for live stock and cattle, and not for human consumption.
The only corn that we eat, is that in the milk stage. Eat butter, milk and fresh vegetables - but not your old favorite collard greens, cabbage sprouts, turnip salads, mustard salads, beet top salads, kale, etc.
If you love turnips, eat the roots, not the salad. Some other vegetables we eat are as follows: brussel sprouts, asparagus, eggplant, okra, squash and rhubarb. There are some asking about eating sardines. They are only for us to eat if we travel and cannot get other foods. But, please do not buy them, unless they are fresh where you can clean them, and not packed already.
There are some packed that are clean, but they are a little expensive. They are called Portuguese sardines. There are other herbs that we can eat that are not mentioned here. But, please, whenever you decide on eating something that is not in this book, write me, because there are some that are not good, on the market, for you and me. Chapter 11 The Key to better health There is no question. If we eat right, we live. If we eat the wrong foods, it shortens our lives. Some of us actually wish that we could live a thousand years, but be happy if you scale a hundred.
The fact about it is you will not want to live too long into the thousands of years. You will have nothing to attract you. You will have learned everything on earth, and will have no place to go for attraction. Since you are on the earth, you cannot live elsewhere. One meal a day and nothing between that one meal will get you a longer life, that is if you eat the proper food.
We make ourselves sick. Do not think that sickness is something that just comes by itself, regardless to how we live. It is the way we live that makes us sick. I have experienced these things. If we do not eat the right foods to live, and do not eat it at the time that we should eat it, and eat before it is time; we will not live long.
Stay away from poison foods, such as pig swine flesh. Do not eat it. Do not even touch its carcass. No swine flesh eater shall see the Hereafter; for in the Hereafter, there will be no pigs on the earth.
They will be killed off. The swine was not made for Black People. It was made only for the white race. And, the white race teaches everybody to eat it, because it is a Divinely prohibited flesh; and they break all the Laws of God, because they are not supposed to obey the Laws of God. They have their own law, because they are the gods of this world. If they would follow and obey the Law of our God, they would be Muslims like us. Eat one meal a day, and do not try to eat everything edible in that one meal.
There is enough good food for you and me, for us to never eat other than good food. Eat to live. Chapter 12 Do not eat between meals Eat one good meal of food a day for good health.
One meal a day or every two days could spell the end of much medicine, doctor bills, and the building of hospitals if we would eat the proper food and eat it only when it is necessary to eat it. There are a lot of people who think their appetite is their God; but we, by nature, have been made to control ourselves if we want to.
I have much self-experience in the way of eating. I repeat, you will not be sick only once in a great long time. Every meal that we put in our bodies has some poison in it. And, some of our food, as I have said in this book, takes 36 hours to digest. If we do not wait until our previous meal has been digested we add a new meal to the previous meal we have new poison, in its full strength, to aid the dying poison of the previous meal or to help it to revive in strength; and we will continue to be sick.
This I have experienced. I suffered sickness a lot of times through experimenting, so that you will not come and give me the wrong answers to the teachings of "How To Eat To Live. I will know whether you are telling me the truth or not. But, I will put my life on it; that if you make a habit of eating one meal every day or every two days and of eating the right food, you will not be sick only one day out of the year or out of every two years ; and some of the complaints that you have now will completely disappear.
By eating one meal a day, some chronic diseases will vanish in a few years as they fail to get the poison that will keep them alive. Sometimes, they vanish within a few months, if you eat the right foods and eat only one meal a day or every two days. Try it for yourselves. Chapter 13 Fasting, Eating right foods, keys to long life Fasting is a greater cure of our ills - both mentally and physically - than all of the drugs of the earth combined into one bottle or into a billion bottles.
He has told me there is no cure in drugs and medicine. And this, the world is now learning. We can take medicine all of our lives until it kills us, but we are still ailing with the same old diseases.
The bad food and drinks we are putting into our bodies keep us a victim to illness. There are not too many nice doctors who will tell you that drugs are not good for you, because they paid for their learning and want to keep practicing. Every man or woman wants to know how he or she can prolong his or her life. Nature teaches us to stay here in this life as long as we can. Nature has never taught anyone that he should leave this life and find another one somewhere else, because we have only one life.
If this life is destroyed, we would have a hard time trying to get more life; It is impossible. So try to keep this life you have as long as possible. Go when you cannot stay here any longer. And eating one meal every two days would lengthen our lives that much longer.
He told me you would never be sick, eating one meal every three days. The fact that fasting is the cure to 99 per cent of our ills is known by the medical scientists. But, they do not teach you that. They know that tobacco, hard whiskey and alcohol are not good for you and will shorten your life and kill you. But most of them are too weak themselves to stop drinking or smoking or chewing tobacco.
So they do not teach you that tobacco and alcoholic drinks - made into what is known as whiskey, beer, and wine - are not good for you, although they know it to be true. They will say, "Yes, it is good for you if you are temperate. So do not use tobacco in any form and you will live a few years longer. Fast once a month for three days or four days - or for whatever length of time you are able to go without food without harming yourself - and you will feel good. Did you not know that if you would stop eating pig and the food that you should not eat; stop eating three and four times a day and stop drinking whiskey, beer and wine, you would save much in the way of money?
In prolonging your life by abstaining from the pig, alcoholic drinks and tobacco, you, also, will be adding money to your savings of hundreds and thousands of dollars. You will be depriving those pig raisers and tobacco growers and alcoholic distilleries of millions of dollars that they rob you of which hasten you to your grave.
And you could stop the pig raising by not eating the stinking hog. These things are death to your children in their early ages. And, they even affect the reproductive organs of people in the early ages, as well as affect the heart, the lungs, and your sharpness in thinking. And, after all of this, you die a victim of poison and commercialization. Learn to eat to live. Chapter 14 Fasting There is so much food of various kinds in the earth for us to eat we could hardly mention by names. We are the wisest of all life on earth and in the heavens above the earth.
We must have regularity in everything we do. We should eat one meal a day and when we eat this one meal, be sure it is of the best food for our bodies to digest and to keep us alive without our lives being agitated by enemies from the food and drinks we put in our bodies.
We have to safeguard our health against the enemies of our health by eating one meal a day. This gives an enemy germ that may be in our food time to die - to be completely dead at the end of twenty-four hours. IF WE KEEP adding more food, it gives the germ strength and working power to destroy the very delicate and perfect machinery of our bodies. By nature, we are made of the best. And, we have to continue to give our bodies the best and in a moderate way.
Fasting is one of the greatest "doctors" we have. Fasting is prescribed for us in the Holy Qur-an and in the Bible. The Bible does not teach us as much of how good fasting is health-wise, as the Holy Qur-an does. On one occasion, we find where Moses fasted for the cure of his sister, Miriam, who had contracted leprosy because of speaking carelessly of Moses.
Her brother Moses then had to seek a cure from God for her. But fasting, as Allah prescribed for us, is to prolong our lives with better health by eating the right food and not eating too frequently.
A three-day fast will tell the story - you feel better; your body begins to feel lighter and not weighty as it felt when it was filled with food; your thinking is clearer. Let us fast as often as we feel that we have not a desire for food. If you do not desire food, do not eat it.
Eat when you are very hungry of course, this does not apply to the sick, because the sick are exempt from fasting. When fasting is practiced for good, good results will follow. But, if we fast, as the Bible mentions in Isaiah, just for debate, our fast is no good.
The Bible teaches that the facts of people who go out and tell others that "I had a dream" and then call dreams, visions, are not accepted. The Bible answers such a person in these words; If you dream a dream, tell a dream and do not try to tell a dream for a vision from the Lord, when you did not get such a vision. We must remember that we cannot be "holier than thou," unless we are really holy. So, let us say of ourselves what we really are and not what we are not because it is good in the eye sight of God for us to speak the truth.
It cleans the impurities out of the blood and causes the body to eliminate the poison stored in it from previous meals - sometimes from previous meals of many years, as the folds in our intestines can carry particles of food for a long time, and holds strength enough in them to keep us alive for two months.
Our bodies store food in the folds of the intestines and in the blood stream. After a fast of three days - and from that to nine days - these particles of food and poison that have accumulated will be eliminated. The blood is being cleansed of its impurities because the impurities have nothing to keep them in power to live; therefore, they die and leave the person happy and enjoying the results of a healthy body - which is the greatest enjoyment we can have.
Of course, as long as we are in the Presence of God, we do not have to fast. But, we are not always in His Presence. In the Hereafter when all people will receive rewards of goodness who see the Hereafter, there will be no fasting.
So, fasting is prescribed for us as well as those people before us. It guards us against doing evil. It is because it was in this month that you used to worship a dead prophet by the name of Jesus. And, it was the month that you wasted your money and wealth to worship the 25th day of this month, December, as the Christians do.
The Christians know that it is not the birthday of Jesus; for they do not know the birthday of Jesus. No one knows it, because being persecuted by the Jews, Joseph and Mary feared the death of not only their newborn baby that they were bringing to birth, but even feared for their own lives for committing the act out of wedlock. They feared Herod and his army and the religious set of the Jews condemning them to be punished with death. Give your content the digital home it deserves.
Get it to any device in seconds. How to eat to live book 2 pdf by elijah muhammad ebook. Publish for free today. He has taught and maintained fats should be reduced and eliminated from the diet. He has warned about the dangers of eating from cans and wax cartons. He has cautioned the so-called Negroes to take better care in selecting food to eat. Muhammad has stated the so-called Negro should eat the young, fresh green vegetables.
He has stated the lima bean, black-eyed peas and other field beans do not have food values good for the body and that they are very hard and damaging to the digestive tract.
For more than 30 years, the Muslim home has stressed the baking of foods and not frying. He has cautioned his followers to be conscious of weight. Penalties are exacted from Muslims found overweight. All of Messenger Muhammad's teaching on foods and weight have been studied by white scientists, doctors and dieticians. Finally, , actuaries released new average weight charts for men and women.
It was no mere coincidence that their findings coincide with what Messenger Muhammad had been teaching. It was practically a verbatim transcript of the papers they confiscated when the federal government arrested him in This was followed up with a featured story on weight in the "U. Their story, too, followed what Messenger Muhammad has been teaching for 30 years, that is, except the portions which advise eating pork, "Coronet" magazine, also in Feb.
And, in the April 11, edition, the "U. As one Muslim said, "They really listened to Mr. Muhammad, but they mixed it up and added to it. Muhammad on the proper foods to eat. His advice adds to your life.