Surgery is expensive, not very safe and definitely not under customer control. The results of any type of plastic surgery are somewhat unpredictable and that goes double for the penis. This technique is mostly an option for rich people who can afford the best surgeons around to enlarge their penises. Any mistake here could mean impotence and the end of your sex life. By all means go ahead and look into surgery, perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones who is completely satisfied with the results.
However, bear in mind that surgery is not only the most expensive option, but also one of the riskiest. Furthermore, surgery gone wrong is often irreversible; surely it makes sense to try a natural solution first? You can perform them at your leisure, in the privacy of your own home. It is up to you to decide the length of sessions and the intensity of exercises. You can stop at any time and start again whenever you feel like it. What could be better than that? Advice for Beginners The first thing that you should keep in mind when starting your penis enlargement program is that you need to put your willpower behind this.
Just like everything else, you have to stick to penis enlargement to see results. Penis enlargement works only if you strive to do the exercises right and stick to a regular routine. Bone up on knowledge. Yes, you got that right. Just like everything else I never tire of this phrase , you need to know as much as possible about penis enlargement. Before your exercise session, measure your penis with a ruler see next section. It may take a month or more for the first gains to show up.
The penis is tissue and not muscle, so whereas muscles are fast to grow in size as a response to a genuine need, the penis is simply tissue and it takes much longer to force tissue to expand. The best programs come with detailed explanations, photos and videos in order to make sure that you perform the exercises correctly every time and will offer you a dedicated support team should you have questions that need answering.
Penis enlargement routines are usually preceded and followed by warm up and down sessions. They help get your penis ready for a good workout and for the healing and rebuilding process that follows exercises. Warm up sessions decrease the risk of injuries, while warming down helps the penis to heal faster. You should also remember that there are no set routines. Feel free to experiment with the exercises and find out what works for you. Long time program members can tell you about their own routines and teach you what works best.
Experimentation and expert advice are the best way to maximize your gains and help your penis enlarge faster. Just make sure you are always careful and not rushing into anything. Nobody wants injuries to spoil the party. The next section contains the information that is the icing on the cake for this e-book.
We will now explain to you how to correctly measure your penis and then we will show you some of the exercises that can get you started on the way to the bigger penis you desire! Measuring the Penis First you need to measure your starting lengths, both flaccid and erect.
We also recommend that you keep a logbook of your gains. Remember, when measuring be negative and round down the totals so that when you do see gains you don't think it's just because you didn't measure correctly! You should only measure once every month, measuring every day will lead to inaccurate results and make it harder to motivate yourself. Measuring the Flaccid Length The flaccid length of the penis can be dictated by many things, including the temperature.
This might mean contradicting results depending on the temperature of the situation that you are in. Flaccid gains are often the first gains you will notice when performing penis enlargement exercises.
To keep results accurate we have a certain standardized way of measuring the flaccid penis. To measure accurately it is important that you measure from the side of the penis. Stand up straight and extend your flaccid penis in front of you it important NOT to stretch it , your penis should now be parallel with the floor. Place the ruler next to your penis so it is slightly pressing against the pubic bone. The ruler and your penis should be parallel with each other.
Measure to the tip of the head in millimeters or inches whichever you are more comfortable working with.
The important thing is that you always measure the same way and do not change your measurement units. Measuring the Erect Length The erect length is what most men are interested in. Again it is best to measure from the side of the penis. This method is the standardized method that researchers use to measure the "average penis size" which is incidentally between 6" - 6.
Hold your penis below the head and place the ruler next to it with your other hand. The ruler should be slightly pressing against your pubic bone. If anything it is recommended that you round down. Measure from the base to the tip of the head and make a note of your measurement.
Measuring the Flaccid Girth The girth can be extremely awkward to measure because many people have different size girth measurements depending on which part of the penis that you measure. The standardized way is to measure in the centre of the penis shaft. When flaccid hold your penis out in front of you and wrap a tape measure around your penis.
Do not pull the tape measure too hard, pull it to a reasonable level and remember this amount of pull for the next time you measure. The average flaccid girth size is between 3"-4". In our photographs the model has a large flaccid length and girth and it is likely that yours will be smaller.
Measure around the penis and make a note of your measurement. Hold your penis out in front of you so it is parallel with the floor.
With your other hand place the tape measure around the penis making sure not to pull too tight. The average erect girth is 5" - 5. Tracking Your Gains Of course, the reason you are embarking on a penis enlargement exercise program is because you want to increase the size of your manhood. Therefore it makes sense to keep a track on your gains.
You can use a table like the one show below to record your starting measurements and then update them every weeks. By keeping track you will help to keep yourself motivated when you start to see the gains you were hoping for! Recommended Routines Below you will find 3 recommended starter routines. The first of which incorporates all of the exercises which we will give you later on in this guide. Whilst it is possible to see gains using this shortest routine, you may want to consider signing up to a full exercise program to get access to the more advanced exercises to really enhance and speed up your gains.
You can view a comparison of the programs on offer later on in this guide. You should never leave the warm-up out of your routine as this will lead to gains being minimal.
It is also a good idea to finish off a workout with a "warm down" which would be, for example, the procedure below repeated. A thorough warm-up not only helps with the effectiveness of your exercises but also helps prevent against injury by promoting greater blood flow.
To perform this warm-up you will need a cloth or small towel and access to warm water. Firstly find an ample sized face cloth. Wet it with warm water until it is soaked through and hot, but still manageable. Then wrap the cloth around your penis and testicles.
This may feel strange and slightly painful, but this ends quickly enough and is easy to get used to. Keep the cloth in place for 1 minute. However, there is also a direct connection between that hormone and your endurance in bed. This is why antidepressants are prescribed for these issues. Unfortunately, they have a long list of side effects, like loss of sex drive and fatigue, making them impractical to use.
The second hormone, testosterone, regulates your sexual desire, muscle growth, fitness, vitality and much more. Addressing this issue brings a number of additional benefits, such as having more confidence, as well as the ability to go for that 2nd round. Having had many bad experiences — over and over again — you developed a mental block in you subconscious. With each failed attempt you felt more and more pressure to finally perform well.
You may have also had unrealistic expectations due to excessive porn consumption, from comparing yourself with pornstars consciously and unconsciously causing even more stress. Your ancestors, back in cavemen days, had to be prepared to fight for their family, food, and more at a moment's notice. This meant that marathon sexual sessions were not an option.
Men that took a long time to come could be attacked during the act which decreased their odds of passing on their genes. However, men who came quickly were able to spread their seed far and wide. A few pumps here, a few pumps there, and a baby was on the way.
Men who could spread their seed rapidly had more offspring. Therefore, we all have a genetic inclination toward premature ejaculation. So, relax — coming quickly is not a bad thing. You're genetically wired to do this, just like every other guy.
The good news is that many men have found ways around this issue, and so can you! Kegel exercises work out your pelvic floor muscle in order to give you more control over your orgasm.
The muscles that control your orgasm are similar to those that control the flow of urine when you urinate. If you ever had to stop peeing in the middle of using the restroom, then you know how to flex your kegel muscles. However, for most men premature ejaculation is mental not physical. If you can stop yourself in the middle of urinating then your kegel muscles are strong enough.
Strengthening your pelvic floor through kegel exercises can still be beneficial to some men. If you have well trained pelvic muscles, you can learn the squeeze-and-hold-technique, allowing you to hold in your ejaculation when orgasming, without losing your erection.
You can just keep going. This requires the right exercises tho. The first step in kegel exercises is to identify your pelvic floor muscle by stopping in the middle of urination. Go pee and then lie on your back with knees bent and spread apart. Please log in again. The login page will open in a new window.
After logging in you can close it and return to this page. How to last longer on bed? You are here: Home How to last longer on bed? Imodstyle Last Longer Report First, you need to know about side effects of medicines that are advertised that can help you prevent premature ehaculation, make erectile stronger,… We choose Viagra for example, Viagra helps a man get and maintain an erection sufficient for sex by increasing blood flow to the penis.
Show more. Show less. Marcus Jacob says:. December 12, at am. Log in to Reply. ImodStyle says:. December 14, at am. Dustin R. Donica says:. Imodstyle last longer report pdf free download. How To Get Longer Erection -. So what are the ways you can last longer in bed naturally? Is there really anything you can do to elongate the experience?
The answer is absolutely yes! Before you try anything in the natural sense to last longer in bed, it is important that you rule out any pre-existing medical conditions that may be contributing to your intimacy woes.
You might be surprised to know that even relatively minor issues, such as a cold, can have an impact on performance. And so before you try on any of the 10 suggestions made here, make sure you get checked out by your doctor. If you are taking any medications, bear in mind that some drugs absolutely can cause challenges in the bedroom.
This is particularly true of anti-depression medications. OK — now that we have that out of the way, are you ready for the 10 suggestions on how to last longer in bed naturally? Mindfulness is a topic that has been talked about before on this blog. Being more aware of your partner is paramount to lasting longer in bed naturally. This means having total focus of what is happening inside of you and your surroundings.
Simply put, when you feel yourself about to ejaculate, stop. If you pleasure yourself, you can learn to practice this a bit on your own.