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To the PDF plugins! PDF24 Fax. PDF24 Creator. With the free PDF24 Creator you get an interface with which you can freely merge multiple files page-based. MS Word is one of the most used text processing applications and the PDF format is the most used format to publish documents.

Click here to learn how to convert Word files to PDF. Read below how it works. My colleagues report that they repeatedly see their students earning scores of 6. These scores are much lower than scores that they consistently earn in mock examinations, as assessed by experienced, qualified IELTS tutors.

A candidate who could not score band scores of 5. This test-taker applied his reading, writing, listening and speaking English University of Sydney: Human Trafficking Criminal wwww. This judge had no difficulty following the arguments put forward by this man. I refer to figure IELTS simultaneously extorts massive financial surpluses from global exam fraud.

Ahern, ; Al-Issa, They also violate international law. It is imperative that these institutions act with compassion and set the highest standards of ethical behavior. At present, they fall far short of these moral standards. Market power When determining what is a business racket and extortionate business practices, the courts take context into consideration.

They also consider the market structures of where the business conducts its operations. National Consumer Complaint Forum India, IELTS are aware of their colossal global market power. IELTS routinely boasts that it maintains around 1, test centers in over countries. Figure 57 offers an example of these websites.

United Nations, c. The ABC is a respected, not- for-profit public institution. Figure 58, overleaf, documents this claim. It is exceptionally rare for the ABC to use such confronting accusatory language. The ABC has the authority to quote or omit any statements provided by interviewees. Table 14, overleaf, summarizes these business practices and supports these claims with a description of the logic that I use to draw these conclusions.

I also offer a current primary source to support all claims. Fatima has invested most of her life savings to sit one IELTS test so that she can migrate to Canada as a skilled worker.

Fatima receives scores of: 8. Fatima is surprised by this score of 6. Fatima is convinced that the score of 6. Fatima explains her story multiple times and her calls are never returned. This illustration vignette is not theoretical. IELTS staff routinely ignore messages left via their local customer service number e. Magoosh, b. There is ample evidence available from public testimonies that IELTS use its appeals remarking process to deliberately extort further profits from the estimated hundreds of thousands of people which it has repeatedly failed using fake marginal fail scores of 6.

Moreover, it does so, on a global scale, to extract maximum monopoly rents i. Figure 59 supports this claim. IELTS willfully target a vulnerable demographic and exploit their colossal market power to enforce a fake, unnecessary service that it repeatedly imposes on its clients to earn millions of dollars in revenue and profit each calendar year.

As shown in Figure 60, Burger reports that he is not aware of a successful outcome from an Enquiry on Results application. Figure 61, overleaf, captures this claim. Most persons affected by the two-year expiry date of the Test Report Form are international students. Figure 63 illustrates the very high cost that IELTS willfully imposes on most of these fraud victims. The Candidate from India graduates with a B.

Com from Macquarie University in and is eligible for skilled migration to Canada. To slow down immigration to Canada and to maximize profits, Monash University IELTS test center determines in advance that this candidate will be awarded fake 6. This claim is false.

Cambridge English test certificates which are not related to IELTS do not expire and may be used for migration and professional registration purposes. For example, a Doctor of Medicine Degree and a Master of Linguistics Degree remains perpetually valid at these universities. The University of Cambridge and IDP Education cynically profiteer to their maximum advantage from a highly vulnerable demographic.

This youthful demographic, who are mostly citizens of developing nations, are very easy and highly profitable to defraud. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.

Figure 65 shows that there are three elements to human trafficking crimes UN, b. Figure 65 Three elements of human trafficking crimes Source: United Nations b My research concludes that the collaborative activities of IELTS and its sponsors meet the three criteria of human trafficking. Table 15 summarizes the logic that underpins this conclusion. Means Fraud, deception, abuse of power and vulnerability. Purpose Exploitation: slavery and other types of exploitation i.

Nursing in their countries. Means: Fraud and Deception Canadian and Australian Governments deceitfully impose mandatory language tests on international student graduates who aim to earn a residency visa for either country. Canadian and Australian Governments offer IELTS favorable legislative conditions to manage their Governments' international student migration programs.

IELTS use examiner fraud to fail most international student graduates. Purpose: Other types of exploitation Australian and Canadian Governments target vulnerable citizens of developing nations in Asia and the Middle East who aim to migrate to a developed country. Both Governments deceitfully fleece billions of dollars in tuition fees and other revenues e.

Moreover, it has been established that IELTS use systemic examination fraud to earn repeat exam sales from their vulnerable client base. They are criminal global business operators.

On average, it takes these persons approximately one month to earn enough income to pay for one IELTS test. IELTS repeatedly fail most foreign worker and permanent residency visa applications multiple times via examination fraud. The IELTS consortium willfully imposes modern day slavery on mostly non- white citizens of developing nations and they do so on a massive global scale. Canada The Canadian Government has willfully and persistently offered IDP Education and IELTS Canada immunity from prosecution as these corporations serve as a covert proxy agent that expels international students from Canada after they complete their studies in Canada.

Furthermore, IELTS have repeatedly acted negligently by authoring secretive examination content and assessment policies that purposefully sets most test-takers up to fail. A quantification of funds collected by IELTS via extortion, racketeering and examination fraud is the subject of a separate project. A relatively small percentage of applicants opt to undertake the French language test to earn a skilled work visa for Canada. This country aims to maximize fees collected from international students and minimize the number of onshore graduates who are eligible for a permanent residency visa.

Ahern, Eligible international students who graduate in Australia are required to pass an English language test to qualify for permanent residency Australian Government, IELTS repeatedly use examiner fraud to cull the number of international students who are eligible to immigrate to Australia after they complete their onshore studies and are no longer profitable to exploit. It should also desist from its hypocritical behavior of criticizing human rights violations that are ostensibly perpetrated by other nation-states.

At present, the Australian Government is an Arch human rights criminal under the auspices of international law. Accessed 27 November Al-Issa, A. Allen, D. Accessed 23 November Accessed 15 April Accessed 20 November Bagshaw, E.

Accessed 28 November Accessed 17 March Bell, C. Blackie, D. Accessed 20 November Accessed 19 November Accessed 24 November Accessed 12 March Accessed 18 December Burger, L. Accessed 22 November Assessment 24 November Cached , Accessed 24 November Accessed 18 November Demetriou, T. Accessed 17 November Accessed 20 December Gittins, R. Accessed 16 March Graham, S. Accessed 15 November Accessed 21 November Accessed 25 November Accessed 1 February Ingram, D.

Jericho, J. Louis, R. Accessed 10 November Massachusetts Institute of Technology , What is common knowledge? We need fair and transparent evaluation! Accessed 2 February Accessed 14 November Prokhovnik, R. Suss, M. Accessed 30 November Taylor, L. Available open-access via Google Scholar.

Accessed 14 July Accessed 22 July Accessed 31 March Accessed 30 December Uysal, H. Van der Craats, A. Visentin, L. Winkler, P. Sc Syd jay educate. The scope of this project discusses the pedagogical design and the administrative regime of global English language examinations such as the IELTS. Table 1 summarizes the service-delivery structure of these three entities. Table 2, overleaf, shows the fees schedule in six selected countries as at March, This data set contains a member nation from each continent, including the Indian subcontinent.

A literal reading of this assessment rubric suggests that an examiner may award a band score of zero for all four criteria if in their subjective opinion an answer has been memorized for Writing Task 1. According to the rubric British Council, e, p. It is possible for any person to assess their reading and listening skills at home. It is impossible to prepare fully for any exam if the examiners use a marking system that is not disclosed in full and in a timely manner.

This lack of transparency in turn may increase the anxiety levels of those required to prepare for an academic assessment e. Reynolds-Keefer, The use of secretive business practices in educational settings defies the spirit of fairness, transparency and accountability which the public expects from educational service providers that trade in the exchange of truth and knowledge e. Furthermore, the use of secretive business practices does not reflect a customer-oriented service delivery model.

Such practices are indicative of a monopoly business model whereby one party aims to preserve its dominance as the gatekeeper of knowledge in a narrow field e.

Zoellner, , such as English language testing. Education Minister, United Kingdom. Commercialization, competition, and secrecy in the entrepreneurial university. Reynolds-Keefer, L.

Zoellner, D. Table 3, overleaf, summarizes the major similarities and minor differences between the General and Academic versions of the writing task 2 component of the IELTS. Topics for essay Similar General questions tend to focus on common issues. The Academic test examines a wider range of topics. This data set illustrates the breadth of general knowledge required for writing task 2 for both versions of the IELTS exam. It also illustrates the strong similarities between each version of this scholastic aptitude test.

Old-fashioned values, such as children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own Give reasons for your answer and include any knowledge or experience. Write at least words. Nuclear power provides cheap problem. Some say the government should and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear care for old people. Others say that it is the technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Discuss both these what extent do you agree or disagree? Give views and give your own opinion.

Examinees may be subjected to a general knowledge examination on an extremely broad range of topics from specialist sub-fields within Arts and Sciences disciplines. It is therefore essential that IELTS develops a new topic variable that is fair and accessible for those from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds e. Uysal, , p. In its current form, the writing task imposes excessive demands on non-native English language speakers.

This absence of a public guideline document that outlines topic variables makes it extremely difficult for those who plan to sit for the IELTS exam to devise a strategy to prepare for writing task 2. Reynolds- Keefer, , pp. This lack of transparency in turn may increase the anxiety levels of those required to prepare for an academic assessment. The lack of a syllabus to guide instructors and students to prepare for the IELTS exam is problematic. Scientific teaching materials will change the current exercise- dominated classroom, increase learner's interest, accelerate teacher student interactions, optimize learning efficiency and virtually improve their performance in real test.


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