Demons possess a particular suite of traits unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry as summarized here. Immunity to electricity and poison. Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire Summon Sp Demons share the ability to summon others of their kind, typically another of their type or a small number of less powerful demons. Terrors from Below Beneath the Inner Sea region stretches a vast network of echoing caverns, serpentine tunnels, and subterranean lakes, their lightless reaches haunted by creatures too strange for most surface dwellers.
Demons Revisited by James Jacobs is another of the recent books focusing heavily on demons—indeed, in this case, focusing entirely on demons. Before the spell used to conjure the demon is cast, an offering meeting the specific demon's desires must be placed in the circle and must remain in that circle for the duration of the casting of the spell. Use the offerings for numerous demons found later in this book as examples when designing new offerings for unique demons of your own design.
In these cases, the demon conjured is likely to be even angrier than normal about its service. Conjuring the Demon: Once the above information is obtained, the spellcaster need only cast the appropriate conjuration spell to make contact with the demon. Each of the chapters in this book presents a number of named demons, along with the Knowledge planes DCs to learn their names and preferred offerings.
All of the named and unique demons detailed in these sections have more than 12 Hit Dice, and thus require at minimum a 11reater planar ally or 11reater planar bindinlJ to conjure them. Many of them have more than 18 Hit Dice, in which case a11ate spell or other powerful method of conjuring outsiders must be employed. If 13ate is required to conjure the demon, a superscript G G follows the demon's research DC. Several of the named demons in this book are drawn from adventures or other products published by Paizo-in such cases, the reference for the demon's original appearance in print are listed.
If you wish to avoid spoilers for a particular adventure, make sure to take note of where the demon originally appeared before reading that entry! If one of these demons is slain in your campaign, it can no longer be conjured for service unless a powerful spellcaster uses true resurrection to restore it to life.
While demons themselves do not rely upon reproduction to keep up their numbers, most demons can impregnate mortal creatures or, in some cases, can become pregnant with half-mortal offspring themselves. See the individual chapters for specific information on this topic. Of course, other methods can generate half-fiends as well-exposure to fecund Abyssal magic and energy, powerful ancient curses, and certain vile and blasphemous rituals may create half-fiend creatures-but demons in particular among the fiendish races are particularly and horrifically compatible with mortal humanoids.
When a demon breeds with a mortal humanoid, the resulting birth is often a specific sub-category of half-fiend-a half-demon. A half-demon's statistics are generated as if they were half-fiends, save for some modifications dependent on the type of its demonic parentage. The majority of half-. Each of the following chapters presents adjustments to the half-fiend template when generating a specific half-demon; you can use these 10 examples to generate new half-demon templates for demons not detailed in this book.
If an element of the half-fiend template is not mentioned in a particular half-. Almost all half-demons are half-humanoids. While tieflings-humanoids with a smattering of fiendish blood-may trace their lineage back to such a union, true half-demons are far rarer and more powerful than their watered-down descendants.
The sins of the mortal mind and soul are legion and in the Abyss, there are worlds of difference between even those sins that seem similar to mortals-murderous sins result in different demons than those burdened with assassinations or regicide, for example.
Note that another category of demons exists beyond the standard of their kind-mythic demons. These demons are more powerful incarnations of standard demons that have been granted or have stolen some legendary source of power or are otherwise a step above others of their kind.
Several sample mythic demons are presented in Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures-more doubtless exist than those detailed in that book's pages, but mythic demons are incredibly rare and unusual cases even among the fecundity of the Abyss.
Mote ptopedy. It metely el]joys tbe wet watmtb of life flowil]g ftom al] ilJlJOCel]t. To a babau. Murderers compelled to their vile acts out of anger became vrocks, those driven by jealousy became invidiaks, those fueled by greed became nalfeshnees, and so on. But Shax, the Blood Marquis of Charnelhome, saw within the act of murder a unique flavor of sin, and when he took the most vile larvae formed from murderous souls and inflicted upon them the same torments they had wrought on their victims, the demon lord created an entirely new race of demon-the babau.
As when the first demons were formed from the interaction of mortal sins, Abyssal energies, and protomatter, the Abyss itself learned this new pattern. While the most powerful babaus, known as the Sons of Shax, are still "hand-crafted" by the demon lord of murder, the Abyss also spawns its own fresh babaus to fill the limitless ranks of demonkind.
In time, specific types of murderers, such as assassins or child-killers or jealous lovers, would spawn their own kinds of demons-yet the majority of murderous souls continue to spawn babaus, and today they are among the most common demon types found in the Abyss or elsewhere. The bulk of the babau race serves Shax, toiling in his city-sized palace of Charnelhome to keep the countless deathtraps that fill that structure running and in good repair.
A fair number of these traps require some level of direct interaction in order to function, while some even use babau life forces to power their insidious machinations. Babaus can also be found in the armies of most of the demon lords of the Abyss, where they typically serve as commanders of lesser demons like dretches and brimoraks, or as infantry themselves under the command of vrocks or more powerful demons.
Babaus themselves prefer to serve no master, and given the choice spend their time either murdering fresh victims or lying in wait, entertaining themselves with mental exercises in which they devise new methods of killing. The babau is generally not all that interested in luring mortals into committing murder, and so does relatively little to perpetuate the creation of its own kind.
Fortunately for the babau race and unfortunately for mortals , murderers are never in short supply. And while babaus themselves slay a large number of mortals, their preference for innocent or kind-hearted victims tends to skew the souls of their victims toward other final rewards than transformation into Abyssal larvae. Some sages postulate that the babau's disinterest in providing the Abyss with new sinful souls accounts for the demons' relative lack of power, yet these same sages are at a loss to explain the vast numbers of new babaus constantly forming in the Outer Rifts.
The demon's three most identifiable features are its gauntness, the long hooklike horn that protrudes from the back of its head, and the glistening layer of crimson slime that coats its body. The crimson slime is produced much in the same way as mortal sweat, yet the babau does not excrete it as a result of exertion or overheating.
Rather, the thick, bloodlike slime seems to flow from its pores most swiftly in the hours after a fresh kill. Whether it is a natural byproduct of the creature's supernatural excitement from the murder or something else is unclear, but as any adventurer who has faced a babau can vouch, the acidic slime is quite painful to the touch, and any creature that strikes a babau puts its weapons at risk.
Babau slime does not dry, regardless of how long it sits in the hottest and most arid of environments. Deposits dripped from a babau's frame or harvested by curious scholars persist for some time, slowly diminishing in amount in a process similar to evaporation that eventually leaves no trace behind.
The slime retains its corrosive qualities until it vanishes, and a vial of the slime thrown as a splash weapon functions identically to a vial of acid, but those who seek babau slime typically do so for other, more nefarious purposes.
The stuff can be used as a reagent for all manner of magical items that utilize acidic or demonic features. For example, it can be a significant ingredient in the creation of advanced mandragoras, although in such cases, the mandragora pods must be "incubated" in the corpse of a babau rather than in blighted soil. Concentrated babau slime can even be treated and refined into a potent toxin when mixed with contact poisons like black lotus extract, dragon bile, malyass root paste, nitharit, sassone leaf residue, tears of death, or terinav root.
The resulting paste can coat a small object or patch no larger than the width of a human hand, but it dries quickly and clearly. In addition to any effects caused by contact with the poison, it inflicts 2d8 acid damage for 2 rounds after it is touched. The slime does not seem to harm anything it's been allowed to dry on; the acidic damage only affects creatures or objects used to touch it after the fact. Beyond the acidic slime that coats it and its demonic appearance, the babau's body is strange in other ways.
Its s k i n tone tends to be dark red, a n d the creatu re's jaws a re f i l l e d with sha rp, jagged teeth. Speed: A half-ba bau does not gain a fly speed. Acidic Blood Su A creature that attacks a ha lf-babau with a piercing o r slashing natura l attack takes 1 d 4 poi nts of acid damage. This a b i l ity stacks with sneak attack g a i ned fro m other sources. Alternate Spell-Like Abilities: Replace desecrate with see invisibility.
Replace contagion with keen edge. Replace unhallow with greater teleport. While the babau's skin is flexible as human flesh, it is supernaturally tough.
The creatures are completely hairless, and even without the coating of slime their skin feels unnaturally smooth to the touch. Their muscles and internal organs seem atrophied-in some places, apparently to the point of dissolution-yet they function better than those found in most mortal creatures. The demon's emaciated frame should not be taken as an indication of physical weakness or starvation, for the typical babau is strong enough to smash through a wooden door with ease.
The leaders of demonic cults value babaus primarily for their capacity to serve as guardians. A babau is rarely encountered as a cult leader-as a general rule, these demons are too fond of murder to be able to keep anything resembling a following for long, for when forced to go without a victim, a babau cult leader invariably turns to its hapless minions to sate its bloodlust.