Right-click with a wrench to rotate the entire machine. By default, the minimum elevation is 24 and the maximum elevation is As of Mekanism 9 the "elevation" is calculated using the top block of the turbine.
The minimum generation value is 60 and the maximum is If the turbine is placed above or below the configured maximum or minimum elevation, it will still function, producing the maximum or minimum power value, respectively.
Skyfactory 4 Wiki Explore. Wiki Content. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Mekanism: Generators. History Talk 0. Nov 05, Feed The Beast is a group of people that specialise in making high quality modpacks and maps for Minecraft. We started out as a custom challenge map in Minecraft that made heavy use of multiple tech mods.
It played very similarly to a type of map known as Sky Block, where the player is starts in a void world with only a small platform, and must. Most Downloaded Skyblock Minecraft Maps. Minecraft Version. This pack uses Minecraft version 1. There have been 4,, installs of this pack. There have been , server installs of this pack. Players have played a total of 3, This allows us to place more blocks at once and it does have a much higher durability, thus speed up iron farming. We will need a couple of diamonds later for diamond meshes , which allow us to get a steady supply of them.
Lava will be our first type of fuel to automate. The simplest way to farm a decent amount is to encase a 1x5 area with cobblestone and put a lava source block in the middle so it fills the area.
Next we will need a Stirling Generator to get some energy. This requires 1 Redstone for the piston, so we need to sieve some dust through our iron meshes. At the time of writing there is a bug which causes redstone to not land in your inventory but instead somewhere random in your base, so keep an eye out. Place the generator next to your lava farm and deposit a lava bucket to start producing Redstone Flux RF.
The lava farm connected to a fluid tank, which feeds a Stirling generator torch on top to power an Alloy Smelter and an Auto Sieve. If you want more power, you can craft a coal generator and put in the coal you get from sieving.
The lava needs to be regulary refilled. To automate this, we need different metals Copper and Gold. Drain all iron into your casting basin. If it does not get full, put some more iron 1 ingot equals mb, chunk twice as much in the smeltery or just break the basin and place it back. With the copper and the gold we can craft an Alloy Smelter.
This allows us to gain a lot of materials we'll need to automate different processes. Put in 3 glass to make 3 Quite Clear Glass. Then craft Fluid Conduits. Place a fluid tank next to your stirling generator and connect it with your crucible. Right-click on the connection on the crucible and set it to "Always active" torch symbol.
The lava should now flow into the tank. Open the tanks menu, click on the gear, move the view until you see the side next to your Stirling generator. Now just put an empty bucket in the tank, which automatically gets filled up, sent to the generator and pulled back empty.
With our now fully automated power source, we can automate the sieving. Craft an Auto Sieve and place it next to the Stirling generator. Put in a Diamond Mesh and start sieving some dust for redstone. Put a hopper on top so you can input more. We can now let this run while we more on to different tasks. Craft an SAG Mill to make some coal powder. Be sure to put some flint inside, which will increase the output.
Then place an Auto Hammer on top and connect it to the generator with an Energy Conduit. Now put a hopper and a new cobblestone generator on top. Switch to a iron mesh if you also want iron but you will get 3 times less diamonds. Now place another generator next to the tank you needn't build another lava farm, the lava output of one crucible is sufficient for several of them.