This is the most complete version to date! I found the last bit out the hard way lol. You probably will not see another edit from me like this with animatics in it. The techniques that i use in this edit are comparable to what you may see in older silent films, where footage is no longer available. Miramax did a big number on this one. It is to mention that the director of this movie, Tim Pope, wrote a note to faneditor DCP to thanks him for having done this fanedit!
It is THAT good. Release Information:. Dolby digital 5. Editing Details:. Deleted footage and story elements restored; corrected scene order; timeline supertitles re-inserted. Cleaned up image quality from previous releases. Corrected sound issues. Removed several technical mistakes, such as goofs, safety wires and crew members appearing on-screen. Added a few personal editing touches to certain scenes. Extra shot of Ashe crying as Curve walks up to him.
Extended dialogue sequence between Sarah and Noah. Aside from being a nice shot, it also fixes the continuity in the release version she just suddenly appears on screen. Alternate shot of Kali falling out of the window. After Ashe has thrown Kali out of the window, he is seen in shadow form morphing from huge crow to human. Alternate Judah death via heavily modified footage from another film. I LOVE you..
Deleted shot of Ashe kissing Sarah after she has died. Ashe dreams while underwater, remembering reading stories to Danny. Ashe refuses to accept that he is dead, so Sarah stabs a kitchen knife into his chest to prove it.
After the drug lab explosion, the Crow is waiting for Curve. Albums View all. Playlist View all. Radio View all. Videos View all. Movies View all. Artists View all. Video Playlists View all. TV Shows View all. Episodes View all. TV Episodes View all. Are you sure, you want to continue yes no. No Yes. Do you want to save changes?
Yes No. Are you sure you want to remove this from your watching list? Sharing URL. One Account. Unlimited Benefits. When Ashe destroys the Trinity Drug Plant, some thugs come to pick a fight with him. Ashe tells one of them that if he the thug has a gun he should shoot him Ashe. The thug hesitates, and Ashe takes his gun, scaring the thugs and forcing them to flee. There was a scene which showed Ashe arriving at Live Girl building before Nemo. Ashe's beating of Nemo was even more brutal, and the guard uses a silent alarm to alert Judah, explaining how Curve, Kali, and The Twins knew to go there.
Ashe grabs her and looks into her eyes, seeing all the sexual humiliation she went through her whole life. He tells her that she should value what's left of her soul and to never come back "here" again. After finding Nemo's dead body and Ashe's phone call, there was a dialogue scene between Curve and Kali, and when Curve walks out he sees the Crow. After he leaves phone booth Ashe is confronted by drug addicted teenage boy with a gun who tries to mug him.
Ashe however makes a deal with him, if he survives a game of Russian Roulette he will go to a drug clinic to get help or he will lose and die. Ashe, just like he did in earlier deleted scene when he scared Spidermonkey, shoots himself in the head, which scares the boy and he leaves for a drug clinic. During the church scene Ashe encounters a young Mexican boy who also calls him 'Santa Muerte'.
In original version, when Ashe builds Danny's grave he does not burn his painting. Originally, there was more dialogue and love scenes between Ashe and Sarah. Sarah tells Ashe about her past, about Eric and the events of the first film and how her mother Darla eventually became a junkie again and OD'd, causing Sarah to briefly fall into drugs before going clean and leaving Detroit with Gabriel.
She also tells Ashe about Grace, thus explaining Ashe's run in with Grace, which originally took place after this scene. Ashe also tells her more about his own past before she finally tells him that if he refuses to leave the world of the living, he will be damned. Scene between Judah, Curve, Kali, and Sybil in the tower is longer and shows more of Curve's growing fear and paranoia and tension between him and Kali. The other scene in Judah's tower is also longer, and establishes how Judah figures out he needs the blood of the Crow.
Curve and Kali's interrogation of Noah was longer, and Curve gets angry with Kali for murdering him, but she justifies herself by saying Noah dishonored her by calling her a bitch. Curve discovers Sarah's address in some business papers, thus explaining how Kali and the Twins knew where she lived. When they leave, Curve feels his crow tattoo bleeding and flees in terror, knowing he's next. In original version Kali's and Curve's deaths happened the other way around.
In the scene where Ashe is being shot by thugs at bar while Curve escapes, Ashe grabs the shotgun he took earlier when he killed Nemo and kills the thugs.
At one point Curve almost gets hit by a delivery van. The final confrontation between Ashe and Curve was longer, with Ashe quoting A Rendezvous with Death poem to freak Curve out, which is effective as Curve pisses himself in fear when he screams "You think I'm afraid of you?!
When Ashe blows up Curve's motorcycle with his shotgun, Curve is on the ground with his crotch on fire. Glimpse of this scene is still visible in theatrical version when Curve hits the ground. After the crash, Ashe tosses the shotgun away. Then he touches Curve and sees into his painful past and begins to feel sorry for him before dragging him out into the river.
After dragging the injured Curve into the river, Ashe takes his gun and puts it into his coat. It's hard to see in theatrical version, but once Curve starts floating away his gun disappears from his pants. Scene where Kali and the Twins break into Sarah's loft was longer, with them shooting at her apartment door features, and Sarah trying to hide in the bathroom, where she hides Gabriel in a closet before Kali drags her out.
Kali says that Judah has given orders for Sarah not to be harmed, but she still wants to see Sarah suffer so orders the Twins to destroy her loft and personally slashes Sarah's paintings herself. When Ashe arrives, Kali tries to make a deal with him to go kill Judah and he and Sarah can leave while she takes over Judah's criminal empire, but Ashe refuses, wanting to kill her for what she did to Danny. Kali also reveals she murdered her little brother when she was fourteen and has no regrets, making Ashe want to kill her even more, as he understands she was the worst, most evil of the gang.
The fight scene between Ashe and Kali was much longer; Kali uses a 2x4, which Ashe dodges and breaks Kali's arm. Ashe was also 'psychotic' in this scene. When Kali is thrown out of the window, a shadow of a giant crow morphing into Ashe is visible showing that the Crow and Ashe are one.
Kali's death is different. She is still alive, though crippled and unable to move, cause her back were broken after being thrown out of the window, and she is seen crawling along the ground. Iggy Pop Curve. Thomas Jane Nemo. Michael Wincott Top Dollar. Lance Mungia Writing, Directing. David S. Goyer Writing. David J. Schow Writing. Bharat Nalluri Directing. John Shirley Writing.
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Send comment. Download The Crow: City of Angels We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available.