Download 7-zip Download3k mirror and install it. It's important to install the bit also called x86 version of 7-zip for a bit operating system and the bit also called x64 version for a bit OS, since the x64 version won't work on x86 and the x86 version won't run with context menu on x64 machines. We'll need context menu for 7-zip to make extracting easier. If you are not sure if you have a x86 or x64 operating system installed, you can find this out in several ways. Here are Look under System type and find out the type of OS you're running.
Now that you know what type of OS you have installed, download and install the corresponding version of 7-zip. In order to use the. Since VirtualBox is currently experiencing some bugs under Windows 10, we'll cover the Hyper-V method below. By default, Windows 10, just as Windows 8 did, comes with a few features disabled, including the Hyper-V technology. You will be prompted to restart. Do so. Upon re-entering Windows, Hyper-V will be enabled. The image above shows the Hyper-V options under Windows 8.
Enable them and restart. If you don't see Hyper-V Platform or it appears grayed out in the 'Windows Features' window above, then you won't be able to create a virtual machine using Hyper-V. It should list, under Hyper-V Requirements:. If the left pane shows no Hyper-V servers your local host computer to connect to, then select the "Hyper-V Manager" in the left pane, click "Connect to server" on the right pane, select "Local computer" in the dialog that follows and click "OK".
Here you can create an External Virtual Switch, linked to your physical network card. Make sure the box Allow management operating system to share this network adapter is checked. This default type of network connection does not work for XP and Vista so, if at the end of the tutorial you still don't have an internet connection for your XP VM, see the troubleshooting part. This will open an wizard. Generation 2 is only used for Windows 8 bit or newer and Windows Server or newer guest operating systems.
If you need to use internet, you must redo the procedure from step a and don't skip step c. The Location path will vary in your case. You need to connect to your newly created XP virtual machine and start it. There are several ways to do that. See the image below for clarification.
It won't go through the full XP installation, but you'll still need to agree to Terms, pick a computer name, set time and date, language and, after a final reboot, it will prompt you to configure updates. That's it. You will need to get the Integration Components IC and install them manually.
Your license is only valid if you're working locally on the Windows 10 host, not remotely. If you're not using Hyper-V, you should post for help in the appropriate forum for your hypervisor. This isn't the correct forum for any Windows 10 hosted VMs. I had no luck at all trying to put XP programs on Windows They do however work great on Windows 7.
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Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Sign in to vote. Can you install windows XP mode on windows 10? Saturday, January 13, PM. Proposed as answer by capt. You can stack them like that. Not the best performance though.