The selected PHP versions are saved correctly again. Quicker reaction to network changes Fixed: Snapshot toolbar item were lacking icons. Lots of improvements in remote functions show components Apache 2. Improved Memcached configuration Re starting servers without asking no works reliably show components Apache 2.
Fixed a crash on macOS Speedier grouping of hosts. Searching hosts does no longer prevent the selection of hosts. Incorrect database mappings are handled more graciously. Snapshots now work correctly with non-WordPress hosts. Exposed 20 more Apache modules in the Apache section. Removed an exception when a host's PHP version was invalid.
New menu commands to reset Apache and Nginx Modules to default. Fixed an internal inconsistency when Postfix was enabled in version 5. Fixed a library bug that prevented Joomla from installing. Updated components PHP 7. Editor Fixed a memory leak Dark mode support macOS Using single quotes in WordPress passwords no longer crash the application.
Hardened host import and publish functions against network interruptions Improved loading from Cloud in PHP cgi mode Fixed a bug when reloading the hosts table Please note: This version introduces an improved Cloud archive format which older versions can NOT read! Fixed a crash when reading the user ID Edit windows support proxy icons in the titlebar - when possible.
The checkbox "Automatically resolve aliases and symbolic links" now works correctly in open dialogs. You can no longer create snapshots if there is not enough free disk space. Host-specific ports are no longer ignored. Redis starts more reliably when using the 'redis' user account.
Automatically created snapshots now have "[auto]" in their name. When purging old snapshots "[auto]" snapshots are removed first, then the oldest snapshots, until only or less snapshots per host are left. First stop the Server if its running. Now MAMP will use the php versions that are left.
One problem with this solution I encountered was the httpd process took me a while to figure that out xD. If you have the httpd process running in the background, then the php switch won't work, until you stop those processes sometimes MAMP has an awkward problem to stop the server, thats why this process can be still alive.
As you can see here highest versions are 7. Now 7. So the MAMP will display the latest 2. This way only 2 folders will be compatible with MAMP and my desired versions will display on the dropdown. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. Active 5 months ago.
Viewed k times. Improve this question. LiveSource LiveSource 5, 4 4 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. Add a comment.
Active Oldest Votes. Found a quick fix in the MAMP forums. Improve this answer. Thanks for this! I just added a. Show 13 more comments. Will 4, 1 1 gold badge 15 15 silver badges 28 28 bronze badges.
Selecting which PHP version that is used is one of those. A quick disclaimer All content and opinions expressed on this Blog are my own and do not represent the opinions of my employer Oracle. Igor Kromin. Other posts you may like Or browse the recent top tags Want to support Igor's Blog? Tweets Tweets by ikromin.