Real-time location information helps you keep tabs on your family members. Coverage may not be available in some areas. Use pre-set or custom filters to help ensure your family only sees age-appropriate content online. Understand where your family spends time online, so you can help develop good digital habits. With the addition of Home Base, you can set limits on TVs, computers, gaming consoles, and more.
Compatible WI-FI router req'd. Set Internet-free times, so your family can finish chores, do homework, or just go outside. The app automatically locates all lines on the list of locatable devices upon sign in. To locate a line after initial sign in, click the name of the device at the top of the screen. FamilyWhere will not work if all short codes are blocked on your account.
A landmark must be created if the 'You must enter a valid address. It allows you to set a bedtime in the evening when a family member's devices need to go offline for the night to avoid late night browsing and an awake time for the next morning when online activity may resume. OffTime makes it easy to schedule times throughout the week when the Internet is unavailable so that kids can play, do homework, or just get some plain old family time in.
Time Limits is a powerful feature that allows you to control how much time your family members spend. You can limit by day, platform, or by a particular category of website.
FamilyMode gives you the power to pause the whole network, individual family members, or even specific devices. In order to pause a whole wireless network or a device connected to Wi-Fi, you need to have the FamilyMode base station installed on your wireless network.
Language supported English United States. Publisher Info T-Mobile website. Additional terms T-Mobile privacy policy Terms of transaction. Seizure warnings Photosensitive seizure warning. Report this product Report this app to Microsoft Thanks for reporting your concern.
Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. Sign in to report this app to Microsoft. Report this app to Microsoft. Report this app to Microsoft Potential violation Offensive content Child exploitation Malware or virus Privacy concerns Misleading app Poor performance.